5 Whys
The 5 Whys is a simple but effective method to uncover a root cause of an issue.
What sets the 5 Whys method apart is its focus on doing deeper analysis to identify root causes, which helps to avoid quick fixes that only deal with symptoms of a problem. Instead, it looks to resolve the underlying issue. Solutions tend to be more effective and long lasting than other problem solving tools.
The 5 Whys method does not require special training or particular inputs like data and reports, which makes it versatile to any problem type for an individual or organisation.
The results
- An understanding of why the problem may have happened
- Prioritised solutions to the problem
When to use it
Problem solving: When trying to solve a problem or issue where the root cause is not clear
Focusses on the root cause
Works well with other tools
Not suitable for complex problems
Can lead to focussing on a single root cause
How to use it?
What do I need to start?
- A problem
- Information on the problem. For example: customer feedback, employee observations, performance metrics.
How to use it?
Who to involve?
- People with knowledge or experience relevant to the problem
- People who are impacted by the problem
Step by step
Identify and define the problem
- Agree on the problem to be addressed
- Narrow the scope down into a problem which can be understood in a single sentence
Ask “why”
- Ask, ‘why did this problem occur?’
- Record insights
Repeat “why?”
- Ask ‘why’ repeatedly to dig deeper into the underlying causes
- Continue recording insights
- It may take more than five whys to identify the root cause of the problem
- Move to the next step when no new answers surface
Analyse and reflect
- Consider all answers to each “why” and analyse
- Look for patterns or themes, and consider how they contribute to the problem
Identify the root cause
- Discuss which root causes are most significant
- Identify which root causes are possible to address
Prioritise and choose solutions
- Discuss potential solutions
- Consider the resources needed to deliver the solutions identified
- Consider the likely impact of the solutions identified
- Choose one or two solutions to implement. Consider plotting solutions on an impact/ effort matrix to help prioritise solutions
Implement and monitor
- Define what success looks like and how to measure progress
- Assign responsibilities for delivering the solutions
- Implement agreed solutions
- Monitor if the solutions are working, and adjust as needed
- If the solutions don’t appear to be addressing the root cause, consider repeating the 5 Why’s